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2021: Skriftserien
2021: Skriftserien
Troubleshooting in Norwegian Sign Language
A conversation analytic approach to other-initiations of repair in multiperson Norwegian Sign Language interaction, and ways to communicate conversation analytical data on signed languages in printed and online publications
Kristian Skedsmo
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When Behavior Analysis Meets Machine Learning
Formation of Stimulus Equivalence Classes and Adaptive Learning in Artificial Agents
Asieh Abolpour Mofrad
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Experiences of immigrant parents and their children with disabilities interacting with the Norwegian health and rehabilitation services
Shahrzad Arfa
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Victims with disabilities in the Norwegian criminal justice system. Addressing and understanding the judicial process in cases involving physical and sexual abuse
Tone Hee Åker
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Facets of life in families caring for a young child with cerebral palsy
A longitudinal cohort study exploring parental empowerment, child participation in real-life activities and services received by the families
Runa Kalleson
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Advancing the measurement of Critical Nutrition Literacy in adolescents
Desire Alice Naigaga
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Overgangen fra fagarbeider til yrkesfaglærer
Yrkesfaglærerutdanning som overgangsarena fra ett yrke til et annet
Nora Kolkin Sarastuen
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Aesthetic Explorations with recycled materials
Concepts, ideas and phenomena that matter
Nina Odegard
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the beginning of the end for data deficiency in medicine
Vajira Lasantha Bandara Thambawita
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Investigating social behaviour in animals: The curious case of the prosocial and empathic rat
Magnus H. Blystad
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Mestringsfremmende psykososiale faktorer i overgangen fra døgnbehandling for rusavhengighet til hverdagen etterpå
Dagny Adriaenssen Johannessen
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No heroes, no villains: uncovering the mundanity of gender in the mathematics classroom
Trine Foyn
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The ambiguous suffering body – a way to discover meaning nuances of dignity
Vibeke Bruun Lorentsen
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Education for Resilience with Emerging Technologies: A Qualitative Study on the Learner
Media Relationship in Product Design Education
Nenad Pavel
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Digital Competence for Art and Design Teacher Educators in Uganda’s Teacher Training Institutions
Wycliff Edwin Tusiime
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Fagorganisering som strategi for profesjonsfaglig innflytelse på arbeidsplassen
En analyse av hvordan fagforeninger i offentlig sektor konseptualiserer arbeidsplasstillitsvalgtes rolle i faglig utviklingsarbeid
Arnhild Bie-Drivdal
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Two worlds apart, yet similar?
A comparative study of disability policy reforms and employment experiences of young adults with visual impairments from Norway and India
Gagan Chhabra
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Arbeidet med å være syk og under arbeidsavklaring
En kritisk kulturanalyse av hvordan unge opplever situasjonen med å være syk og under arbeidsavklaring
Aud Kirsten Innjord
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Sosial støtte i individualismens tidsalder
– ein kvalitativ studie om erfaringar og forhold som fremjar og hemjar sosial støtte i psykisk helsearbeid
Knut Ivar Bjørlykhaug
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Performing interdisciplinary knowledge: Information work in emerging interdisciplinary research
Eystein Gullbekk
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Intercultural Learning Through Texts
Picturebook Dialogues in the English Language Classroom
Sissil Lea Heggernes
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Det tekniske miljøet. Ingeniørar og norsk miljødebatt, 1945-1975
Håvard Brede Aven
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Sight translation – Safe translation?
Exploring meaning-making and interaction from a multimodal perspective
Randi Havnen
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Influencing choice behavior and improving well-being by applying behavior analysis and behavioral economics
Hilde Mobekk
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Family carers’ perspectives on care for older people living with dementia: interactions and involvement with health services, and the role of health literacy
Kristin Häikiö
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Family carers’ perspectives on care for older people living with dementia
interactions and involvement with health services, and the role of health literacy
Kristin Häikiö
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Egenorganisering blant husløse: Et aksjonsforskningsprosjekt om identitet og ressursmobilisering
Håvard Aaslund
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The Role of Cultural Consciousness and Knowledge Development in Managing Multicultural Staff in Norwegian Nursing Homes
Patience Nelson Kawamala
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-en undersøkelse av praksis fra fylkesnemnder og lagmannsretter
Ingunn Festøy Alvik
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International Collaborative Strategies in Postgraduate Programme Development and Adaptation. The NOMA Master in International Education and Development headed by Oslo University College (now Oslo Metropolitan University). Perspectives from Zambia.
Jacob R. S. Malungo, Austin M. Cheyeka, Joseph Chita, Anders Breidlid
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Kartlegging av utgifter ved inkludering av glutenfrie produkter sammenlignet med tilsvarende glutenholdige produkter i et norsk kosthold
Vibeke Telle-Hansen, Christine Henriksen, Monica Hellmann, Lisa Garnweidner-Holme, Knut E. Lundin, Mari C.W. Myhrstad
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Hva kan profesjonsstudenter lære av å bli involvert i et forskningsprosjekt? – et eksempel fra barnehagelærerutdanningen
Anna Sara Hexeberg Romøren, Nina Gram Garmann, Elena Tkachenko
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Frafall fra studieprogrammer ved OsloMet – en analyse av fire årskull
Bjørn Ervik, Merete Helle, Kyrre Matias Goksøyr, Jannicke Eriksen
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Video som veiledningsgrunnlag
Tove Lafton
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Overgangspraksiser, læring og undervisningspraksiser – barnehage og førsteklasse
En arbeidsrapport av litteraturgjennomgang
Silje Hølland, Elisabeth Bjørnestad, Cecilie Pedersen Dalland, Trude Sundtjønn
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ABM utgivelser
Kunnskap er makt
Norsk bibliotekhistorie – kultur, politikk og samfunn
Øivind Frisvold
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